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November 18, 2019 3 min read 1 Comment

A mother whose daughter is fighting stage 3 pancreatic cancer.

A smitten boyfriend who’s looking to say “I Do” to his best friend.

An 85-year-old woman who woke up one day and said “I want to get my ears pierced!”

A 98-year-old man who fell in love with an 82-year-old young lady.

Two toddler sisters finally being adopted by a single mom.

A marriage that ended in divorce too soon.

A husband whose wife is dying in hospice.

A husband and wife celebrating two years post ambulance accident.

A husband and wife celebrating 50 years of marriage.

A mom who lost her 20-year-old daughter to suicide.

In a short month and half at Lambert Jewelers, these are real life scenarios of customers who have walked through our doors. Jewelry is more than material.


I’ve always had this picture in my head of a stereotypical person that would spend time in a jewelry store. Real Housewives of Orange County, anyone?

But, boy, was I wrong! Keeping in mind that our jewelry store is in a more rural area, we have everyone from farmers and lawyers to mothers and great-grandmothers walk into our store. We have people walk in who, quite literally, have been playing in dirt all day and people who just barely made it out of their PJ’s. AND they come in and buy nice jewelry! My Orange County Housewife stereotype has been totally obliterated!

Beyond just skin deep, I’ve found even more of my own judgments to be totally wrong. Customers walk through our doors with broken hearts, traumatic pasts, sick family members, joyous attitudes, celebratory spirits and nervous excitement.

No matter what brings someone through our doors, they have a story and so often their jewelry is a symbol, a mark, of their story.

We are repairing a necklace that a mom gave her 20-year-old daughter during her fight with anxiety and depression. Just over a year after losing her daughter to suicide, she wanted to bring the necklace back to newness as a symbol of her daughter’s fight and her personal mission to spread awareness about suicide in youth.

That husband whose wife was dying in hospital that I mentioned in the beginning? He came to resize her wedding band so he could put it back on her before she died.

That boyfriend who’s ready to say “I DO”? He met his future wife in pilot school and now they travel the globe together.

The 82 and 98-year-old couple? It’s never too late to find love. They tied the knot!

The two adopted sisters? They came into the store to find matching rings to wear on their “Gotcha Day!” at the Courthouse.

As I reflect on my first month and a half at Lambert Jewelers, this is the most prominent lesson I’ve learned: Jewelry is so much more than skin deep. It tells a story. A story of love. A story of loss. A story of hope, redemption, celebration, grief, joy.

Lambert Jewelers is a place where stories are told. Where they are remembered and cherished. We meet people in some of their happiest and some of their saddest moments in life. We choose to listen to your story, connect with it and use jewelry to bring your story to life.

What a great honor and privilege I and the rest of the Lambert Jewelers’ staff has to be trusted with a piece of your story. Jewelry is SO much more than material.

About the Author

Carly Lambert joined the Lambert Jewelers team in late September 2019 and works in sales, marketing, social media and vendor management. She married David Lambert in July 2018 in Columbus, OH. She currently lives in Columbus with her husband and two kitties, Milo & Iris.

1 Response

Lynn Dickerhoof
Lynn Dickerhoof

December 10, 2019

Loved this article! This gave me a great idea to bring in a piece of my brothers jewelry who recently passed away and to make it into a gift for my mom. See you soon❤️

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